Thursday, March 15, 2007

Captain Colbert. Stephen Colbert to Replace Steve Rogers as Captain America. funny satire story : Captain Colbert. Stephen Colbert to Replace Steve Rogers as Captain America. funny satire story:

"Cap has fallen. Hard. Who better to pick up the shield, the mantle, the passion, the AMERICA... than Steven Colbert.

Stephen Colbert has been presented with Captain America's shield, and with it, the hopes of a nation. Will we see Colbert fighting the Red Skull? Yes, according to the man himself.

'I am so ready to kick ass for America.' Said Colbert 'While I have often hidden behind the shield of comedy, I can now proudly, subversively, fight injustice from behind a shield of solid Vibranium.'

When asked if he will wear the costume and the mask, Colbert replied, 'Why? When I can fight so much injustice with my beauty. This is the face that could sink a thousand enemy ships.' "

BTW, Tom Taylor wrote the above article and was kind enough to let me know. I though that would go through when I posted the Hyperlink in the title, but evidently it didn't.
Anyway, the above article is by Tom Taylor and I loved it!
Please Tom, feel free to comment anytime!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I wrote this article. I was just wondering, if you're posting my articles could you stick my name at the bottom.

    It's Tom Taylor,

    Thanks... Tom Taylor.
