Saturday, April 12, 2014

Lyra - Marvel Comics

She's the daughter of Hulk and Thundra.
What else do you need?
It's like what if Superman and Wonder Woman had a baby.
And Wonder Woman was a man-hating Femizon from the future and Superman was a green rage-filled hate machine.
Just don't make Lyra calm.
You wouldn't like her when she's calm.

Lyra - Marvel Comics

You see, in her quest to create the perfect female warrior, Thundra got some Hulk DNA (which wouldn’t be hard the way he goes around smashing things) and took it to the scientists in her future. They impregnated her and in nine months or so....BOOM! A little baby girl with the genetic make up of the Hulk and Thundra. Yes this is sort of the Marvel equivalent of what would happen if Superman and Wonder Woman had a kid. Although she was nicknamed, "She-Hulk" in the comics, I decided to include her here what with Thundra actually being her mother.
One thing I thought that was cool about Lyra was her power. Yes she had Hulk level strength, but the madder Lyra got...the weaker she got. The exact opposite of her father.
So to maintain her strength, she had to enter into a Zen-like trance that enabled her to stay calm and very strong. Of course since this was a really cool quirk and didn’t go along with the berserk/killing rage so popular in comics, Marvel got rid of it.
Hey...who wants a powerful character that remains powerful by keeping their head about them and NOT giving into rage? What kind of role model is that?
Lyra was created by Jeff Parker and Mitch Breitweiser, and first appeared in Hulk: Raging Thunder #1 in 2008.

Lyra - Marvel Comics

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