Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Incredibles (2004)

The Incredibles (2004)

I know it is animated but to me this is one of the best superhero movies ever made.
On the surface, this is just a great Walt Disney computer-animated superhero film that the kids would love and they could sell tons of toys, games and clothes from.
But if you are a true comic book fan, the movie hits you with so many inside jokes and references so fast you might miss all of them on one viewing (I know I did). Yes, this is a film with layers.

Watching the film (if you are careful) you can catch shout-outs to Watchmen, Captain Marvel (SHAZAM!), Golden Age Superman, Black Manta, Cyclops, Daredevil, Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD and of course the Fantastic a lot more.
And besides being a superhero film, it's a film about family, friends, loyalty and doing what's right no matter what the personal cost.
The man that directed The Incredibles is Brad Bird, the same man that made the cartoon Iron Giant, a film that unless you are not human, will make you tear up at the end.
The voice cast is perfect with stand outs like Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Jason Lee and Samuel L. Jackson.
And you HAVE to give props to director Brad Bird who voiced fashion designer to the superheroes Edna Mode.
She may not be on the screen a lot, but you will not forget Edna.

My favorite line in the film (there are so many)... Edna: No capes!

By the way....The Incredibles 2 is indeed coming.

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