TMNT, to be released March 23, 2007, will be the fourth film released in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise. This film was created using computer-generated imagery (CGI) by Imagi Animation Studios. It will be the first film in the franchise in 14 years, the previous film having been released in 1993. The film is rated PG by the MPAA for mild action violence, monster images that may frighten young children and mild rude humor.
A teaser was released in July. It starts out above the buildings on a dark night. When it finally stops moving, the turtles open their eyes and all that can be seen is the whites of their eyes against the dark background. Then, the turtles start maneuvering across the tops of the buildings, finally jumping down and landing in a dark alleyway. As each one lands, they perform kata with their respective weapon to a techno version of Flight of the Bumblebee. After Leonardo finishes with his kata, Michelangelo can be seen falling into a dumpster. As Donatello opens the dumpster, Michelangelo says "I'm okay." A police siren is heard and then the car pulls up. The officer shines his light down the alley, but the turtles have already disappeared. The camera pans down the alley to show a manhole cover being slid back into place, with the name "TMNT" on it.
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Thursday, February 1, 2007
TMNT (2007)
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